Monday, October 1, 2012

Reflecting on 'ME'

You know, you certainly are not born aware of what you were placed on this beautiful earth to do.  Many of us probably have some idea of what inspires us and the actions and “jobs” that bring us to life, but you don’t arrive in this life with a certificate that says, “healer, teacher, social worker, graphic designer….”  You, of course, are blessed with an abundance of hints along the way, but our purpose is always ours alone to discover, through a series of heart-opening, heart expanding occurrences.  Some take your breath divinely away leaving you mesmerized, and others knock the wind right out of you will all the force in the world it seems.   Either way, the messages are waiting in each of them.

When I was a child, my mama often called me, “Mother Earth”.  She said I was such a nurturing and loving soul who always was playing somewhere in nature.  Trees especially held my attention for long periods of time.  I often found myself climbing trees, lying in or under them, sometimes even talking with them, and sharing my heartfelt expressions. 

Growing up in Oklahoma, my Dad spent a lot of time taking me fishing on his weekends, or we would jump in the car for mini-roadtrips across the state.  We always landed somewhere rocky, and slightly elevated, and so I spent many weekends climbing to the top of Oklahoma’s “mountains”.  I appreciate that my Dad taught me the value of challenging yourself to reach the top, and the magnificent view that always awaits you. 

Oh, and the beautiful, aching and rich American Indian energy that coursed through that state, no doubt shaped my spirit’s deep yearning for a connection rooted in the natural world.  That energy always coursed through my blood, and without question endures today, though magnified significantly.  As a child nobody teaches you how to walk unaltered and unashamed of the whispers of your soul, in the face of the world.  And so for many years, I hid.

My heart always fearlessly sought a life anchored in service, and even when ‘I’ was not formally open to providing that, it found me.  I recall times on the playground in elementary when fellow students I did not know well would approach and suddenly just start sharing everything they held in their hearts. People often found me a safe place to land, and bust the hatch wide open, though interestingly I was unaware of this gift and service, until things all started coming together for me just a few years ago, and I began reflecting- searching for those hints I was given along the way.  Many, of course, I was not yet ready to develop into full blown conclusions about the direction of my life.  Oh, but they were there- for a long time.

I recall never fitting in growing up, and so my mask I reached for often was humor.  My depth and perception of life was often alienating.  I could feel so many peoples’ sadness, and it was all around me.  I could feel their joy, too, but the sadness is what really grabs a hold of you.  I truly loved everybody when I was younger, and carried the pain for so many whom were mistreated by others.

 It was not until around middle school that I began fighting that part of my nature a bit.  I tried the “cool” girl thing, which always felt mean, cold, and uncomfortable to me, but hey, you have to fit in, and have friends, right?  I hope you are either shaking your head, or laughing as you recall this ridiculous feeling so many of us were prone to during that period of our lives, and perhaps some of you still today.  I am most grateful I retired that shortly after graduation from high school, but alas, I still wore a cloak of protection around my ‘gifts’.

Today, I look back on my life as a child and teenager and truly wonder, “Who in the world was I?  How did people perceive me?”, and I wonder this not because I need the answer, but because I recognize the stark difference between that world and this one.  I frequently kid with others and say I feel I have lived several lifetimes in the last 15 years, and perhaps I have.  Perhaps I have.

Yours along the journey,


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who've you designated as your COMMANDER?

Model: Amanda Hastings Photographer: Dawni Burton Christensen

 Our subconscious and conscious mind alike, desire and actively seek a leader. When you don't acknowledge and empower yourself to fill this role in your own life, your mind softens and looks elsewhere.

For too long, many people have been
led astray by the belief that our leader is something or someone outside of ourselves, and so we have allowed ideas that don't originate within us to guide our choices, identities, and actions.

YOU must make the conscious choice to step up as your own leader, and create and navigate your life as the Commander-in-Chief. Your power belongs to you, be careful not to give it away to others without intention and care.

Show up for yourself, and things will rapidly shift. Simply bringing awareness to the ways you have given away your power to others, and acknowledging the origin and guiding force of thoughts and feelings is an empowering and freeing act. Embrace your OWNERSHIP and commanding power over your life. You are strength and love manifest- now use it!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

the phoenix

And then you have those perfect nights, and all the dust that has settled in your life is blown away, and you realize nothing was ever that far from your heart. All is peaceful, beautiful, and poetic- even the challenges, confusion and's all part of the great mystery that keeps our hearts full and present. You need the juxtaposition to stay humbled and grounded. Remember it is all perfect, even the heartache, YES, even the heartache. And the phoenix is born...again, and life is whole.

Namaste friends,


where did it all come from- examining your roots?

The expectations you set, and the stories you believe about yourself that often guide you daily- who created them? YOU? External forces? Parents, friends, siblings, partners, your children, society- all of the above?

I encourage you to pause and think about the origin of those guiding forces. If YOU did not create them, or you created them from a place of self-hatred, insecurity, anger, etc.- they don't belong to you, and have NO business guiding you.

Check in with your heart and ask it what is REALLY yours. Discover what was born in love for self and your best interests. Then, THANK and FORGIVE all the other voices who have echoed in your head for a lifetime, including yours, and release them to the wind.

You are already FREE- now let yourself be so.

Examining yourself through the lens of the root chakra...

In exploring the Root Chakra, let's be clear about a few things. When exploring our energy system, it is very important that you understand that physical manifestations and illness, "dis-eases" in our body are OFTEN a result of an emotional wound or pattern of thought, or repression that was not addressed. This information may be met with skepticism by some of you, but it is the absolute scientific truth. "Darn!"- now you have to take full responsibility for your health.  This is actually a very thrilling and empowering recognition as this means you can heal a lot of what you are going through, by integrating your mind, body and spirit through heartfelt, soulful work.  Then, after you do that bring doctors in to support your journey back to health if you cannot remedy the situation on your own.

So while we are speaking about physical manifestations, we are also speaking about symbolic awareness of what is occurring in your system. Symbolic sight is the greatest preventative medicine out there. This offers you the ability to nurture, heal, and feed yourself in the appropriate, desired, and often needed ways. Please keep this in mind as we explore this section, because we are largely going to talk about the symbolic nature of the system. Just because you cannot see it, and you are not yet suffering from some form of illness does not mean the problem is not there. Any of you feel fatigue, low energy, moody, or wrestle with insomnia despite your active lifestyle, and healthy diet? That is what I am talking about, too. It is my strong opinion that healing and integrating your soul is the most practical, successful, and lasting form of medicine you will ever find.

The energy of the first chakra is related almost entirely to our "tribal power" as Caroline Myss calls it. When we are born, by nature we depend entirely on others for survival- it's unavoidable. As we learn and grow in our families, tribes, or villages, we are too being filled by the patterns of thought, the behaviors, moral codes, unspoken and spoken expectations of the tribe, and so forth. These early tribal years are some of the most important in our our lives because they literally shape the neural pathways in our brains, and create our responses, thought patterns, behaviors, perspectives, and ideas about how we relate to life, and who we THINK we are SUPPOSED to be. It creates our identity and our governing culture.

In other words, the Root Chakra is the FOUNDATION of your emotional and mental health.  If your foundation is not healed, whole and strong, you better believe that other patterns, health problems, chronic pain, and other challenging situations will continue rearing their heads in your life.

The tribal energy is a very important one- at its best, it teaches us love, loyalty, safety, team work, bonding, and roots us in the truth- WE ARE ALL ONE. However, the energy that manifests when we are operating in a space of fear is that of abandonment, loss of physical life, and order. The underbelly of this tribal energy is that group identity can take away feelings of power of the individuals in the tribe if they disagree. It can hold people hostage, or create a sense of guilt and loss if the individual chooses to feel differently from the group. As well, it makes it easy for the individual to become apathetic, hopeless, and not take responsibility for their individual actions because "everybody else is doing it", or feel "what's the point, I have no power in this dynamic?", so it is important that YOU become conscious of this and how it plays a role in your life.

Tonight, for those of you following the conversation, I really encourage you to reflect on your tribal culture (and many of us have multiple tribes- family, friends, workplace, political, spiritual/religious, etc.). Think about all the dynamics in these various cultures that bring you discomfort, or perhaps cause fear, doubt, shame, or anger to creep into your experience, and write them down. Focus on all the messages and stories of those tribes that no longer resonate with your being, the belief systems, or thought patterns that you inherited. What fits well, and what doesn't? Is there any unfinished business that needs to be resolved with someone?

Then think about all the things that empower you in your tribes? What sits close to your heart that you want to continue feeding? What qualities do you want to pass on and share with others? What blessings came from your family?

If you are feeling courageous enough, please feel free to share on here what you come up with. My hope is that we can all start discussing these things openly- authentically. I want each of you to embrace who you are, where you came from, and what it is now time to let go of so you can move forward to the next leg of the journey. In the next few days we will be wrapping up the Root Chakra discussion, and moving on to the Sacral Chakra. Don't hesitate to throw your questions out- I promise to do my very best to offer insight and information that will support you.

Love and Light,


Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Power of Identification

We all identify as something: a friend, a mother, a partner, a social worker, a political party member, scared, angry, fearful, weak, beautiful, strong, creative, and so forth.  Words are very powerful things, and our thoughts and feelings are the creative action that then create our reality using these very words.  So just who have you 'identified' yourself to be?  Who have you created, and allowed to express itself?

For whatever reason, this realization and conversation seems somewhat new to a lot of folks.  But this wisdom is ancient, and knows its place.  It has been speaking through us, and to us for many years, yet a lot of us have denied its truth in pursuit of world full of perceptions not always based in reality, or our best interest- as individuals and the collective.  It is a world that we have created to protect ourselves by ignoring (in a lot of ways) our deepest need and desire to understand, know, and be one with our soul.

Ironically, many of us have chosen not to deal with our shadow side head on, instead we have let our false perceptions of the shadow enslave us unknowingly by the simple act of neglect.  We have learned to neglect feelings and experiences that hurt us, or challenge us, or expose our insecurities.  For too long we have reached for masks instead of mirrors, and become so unfamiliar with our own reflections that it frightens us to look because it feels sometimes as if a stranger peers back at us.

That repression and denial has not saved us from hardship- it has reinforced it.  It has splintered us and hardened us.  This continued act depletes us more with every moment.  And as we are depleted, we are further disconnected- from ourselves, and the world around us.  When we are not living with harmony in ourselves, we cannot expect to find that in the world around us because we only tend to understand the world from our lens of our perception and reality.

We are at a critical point in our world, where the time has come for people to shift back to our natural, harmonious state.  Our disconnection is breaking things down at a rapid pace, and on a large scale.  This is not who we are meant to be, nor should be.  The chaotic, detached, protective, jealous, angry, sad, and scared feelings to which some of us have become so familiar with, and in many cases identified with, have got to go.  Scram, get them out of here.  They don't serve me through you, and I certainly know they don't serve you either.  They keep you low.  And your energy and vibration affect this world- sorry- they do.  But that is not who we are, and how we are meant to function.

We are meant to be free, full of joy and love.  These things are not special and unique only to a few, they are OURS.  They exist right there within us, just beyond our current beliefs that would tell us otherwise.  The time has come to embrace yourself- all of it, and move forward with all those pieces as one.

Use the divine system that we were gifted; quit trying so hard to deny yourself all the beauty and wonder this life has to offer.  The tree of life is pregnant with abundance, peace, connection, and love.  Now pick it- it is yours to take.

Yours in sacred, loving service,


Monday, August 13, 2012

Learning to ROCK it...

Learning to rock "it" is quite the fun challenge some days.  It comes with its lessons and aha's, but it is always revealing about where you ARE in that moment.  Learning to rock it is all about grace and vulnerability, with a good bit of compassion--for self.  There need be little else in the equation.

Grace comes when you embrace every bit of who you are: what you are thinking, what begs for your attention, what is natural, and what feels like it needs a silly comment to shake off because your ego really reared its head in you in a bold way.

It is not about the narrow path you tip-toe across so as not to lose your balance and fall in the bush.   It means falling in the bush, and laughing your ass off at your self, because well- it was funny, and you are learning- ALWAYS.

Grace means letting whatever step you take in each moment be an indicator of the proceeding action.  It is living as the creator, and continuously sculpting the divine art that you are, and always becoming.

Vulnerability is roughly the same thing as grace, only it sounds 'scarier' to a lot of us because we have been programmed by life and circumstance to think that vulnerability somehow relates to weakness.  Though in truth, the spiritual version of vulnerability is something far more beautiful than one could ever have imagined.

Vulnerability is a soft, open heart- that owns, with confidence, every step we discussed above, and also expresses aloud to those in one's world -who need to hear it- exactly what it is that is being experienced.  It embraces one where they are strong- where they need support...where they are with things in each and every moment.  It is such a gift of humility and love.

Compassion simply means non-judgment.  It sees the light in you, AND- the darkness, too. Compassion sees these and acknowledges the perfection and wisdom in them both- gratefully, and willingly.

Learning to rock it is a beautiful, beautiful thing, and can come with such ease once you allow yourself to experience ROCKING IT in all its divine glory.

Don't be afraid to work it, every day- in every authentic way you can muster the love and courage to. Trust me, it feels so GOOD, even when it hurts.


Much joy to you along the ride, fine folks!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What Commands Your Attention?

Some days it becomes crystal clear to me that I need some space free of interactions with others.  Instead of ignoring this, and willfully, and often selfishly engaging others when I have nothing loving and positive to offer- I now make it a point to step away, and be with myself.

In the silence, and company of myself it is then I become aware of what needs attention in me.  Sometimes I notice my energy was just matching another person's, and it was simply a matter of removing myself from that vibration, and other times it is clearly my imbalance that was charging the room.  Either way, I become clear about ME- the only thing in the world I can change, when and how, I want to.  The only person in the world for whom I am entirely responsible.  The only person in the world to which I have full and complete access.

It is important we learn to honor this call to walk away, or stay and endure, or better yet- deeply enjoy the experience.  These moments teach us to be fully present with ourselves, and to nurture our every need- keeping us clear and light for all that may come next.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you can no longer interact with someone with an open-heart, you must learn to walk away and sit with yourself.  THEY did not shut your heart down, something WITHIN YOU being triggered did.  Ask it for its wisdom.  There is no sense in spending time focused on anything outside of that- your harmonious, resting state cannot be challenged by the words, actions, or energy of others unless you are not living with yourself harmoniously.  If this is the case, reflect on your actions and thoughts and see what you can learn about ways you may be out of balance.

It's all a learning curve, and you get better all the time at tiptoeing gracefully across the center of your teeter-totter, soon it will be only seldom that you find yourself on either end of that ride.  The more keen your connection to self, and integrated your life is, the more quickly you are able to shift the energy and actions of your life, and remarkably- the less you have to be concerned with doing it because you will discover soon your awareness is available to you always, and it's the primary thing you need in these moments.  You will know where to go next from there.

Become your own lighthouse...

In love. Be love. I am love.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

balance through boundaries...

"Life cannot turn against you anymore than the wave can turn on the ocean that gives rise to it." --Guy Finley

As we each learn our lessons in life, and gather the unique navigational tools that continue to guide our journeys, there comes a steady whisper from within that is always seeking balance through the creation of boundaries.

The word 'boundaries' is expansive; as you read the word, you are no doubt thrust into a number of situations, and interpretations of it.  So what exactly does it mean to seek balance through boundaries?

Let's quickly acknowledge the function of our minds on any given day.  Daily, we have the potential to carry the energy of thousands of thoughts and feelings around with us. Our minds are constantly firing- absorbing information- smells, sounds, noises, images and more, while translating, coding, and storing these sensory explorations as memories in our brain.  In other words, we have absolutely no shortage of information we can indulge in from moment to moment, and carry around with us from one situation to the next.  If boundaries are not established in our daily routines, our minds can quickly become very chaotic and overwhelmed.  Unfortunately, when the mind experiences these feelings it simultaneously encourages them by putting itself into overdrive to manage all the stimulation, and subsequently, drowns out the soft, guiding whispers of our hearts. The mind can rapidly create a reality that gives much of our energetic power away to others and situations out of our control, and often unimportant.

In our lives, boundaries create the clear channels through which we travel from one moment to another- one experience to the next. Without them we have no rest. When we have no awareness of our boundaries, and do not set intentions regarding them, there is quickly no stillness or space for clarity and focus to truly emerge from within.

So, just how are boundaries created?

Boundaries are created in large part, by practicing presence.

Experiencing balance in our lives, simply put, means living in harmony with our present experience- being mindful, not mind full.

By recognizing and taking ownership for creating boundaries that will allow us to be fully immersed in every way possible in each experience, we allow for full, honest expression of how we are feeling in the moment.  We give ourselves permission to know what our complete experience truly is.  There is no repression, denial, or dissociation- just an embracing, often followed by release. 

Practicing presence provides space for clarity and peace to flow through anything we encounter, and it keeps us from getting snagged on troublesome objects along the way.  This statement is in no way meant to imply that presence grants us immunity from further moments of hardship and suffering because these will, of course, always be a part of our lives; rather this statement reminds us that creating boundaries is one of the keys to freedom and fluidity despite these experiences.  

Let me provide an example from my personal experience.  This March, my beloved dog Mo, died.  She was so incredibly special to me.  Ours was one of those relationships that few words can be found to express the depth of our connection, nor the gratitude I have for her friendship in my life.  She was my first baby, and a mama to my boys, but certainly not "just a dog".  I love telling people our story, and while that is not what I will do here, I hope you now have some small sense of the profound grief I tell you now, I experienced when her journey in this life came to a close back in March.

About an hour after we had let her go, there was a brief moment when I found myself tense up while crying.  My body became very stiff, my stomach clinched, and I noticed myself thinking, "Enough.  She is gone.  Breathe, and get a hold of yourself.  Move on- quit crying."  Gratefully, I was instantly aware of why I was thinking that, and it was so incredible because in that same short moment I told myself, "No.  Not enough.  Thank you for trying to protect me mind, but this is what I am meant to feel.  This is my expression of our love and friendship.  Let go.  Be here with this pain- acknowledge it, honor it, and allow it to move through you."

I had full recognition that my mind had jumped in to protect 'me' from this pain.  My mind had wanted to rescue me by whisking me away from my deep sadness for a moment and the discomfort of her loss.  But I did not need to go away, I needed to be very present.  In that moment, I remember consciously committing to myself that I would open my heart to EVERY feeling, thought, tear, or expression of my experience that needed to come through, and I would do so by allowing my feelings to emerge as organically as possible.

I then cried for nearly three days straight, and that is no exaggeration.  I held each emotion and memory as it came, and felt it move through me in just the way it needed to.  I surrendered, and let go, and in not resisting- I found release.  Lots of it- deep, healing release.  I remember waking myself up one night with a wet pillow, and curling into the fetal position to continue my cry, fully awake now.  It was raw, authentic presence- fully embraced.

On the fourth day, I popped out of bed and felt light as a feather- literally.  I was joyful, and no longer felt "sad", rather was overwhelmed by deep gratitude for my time with Mo.  I remembered my favorite things about her and smiled, or laughed- the tears were cleared out for the moment.  It was close to bliss as strange as it may sound.  On the other side of being fully present with my pain, I was still and strong, open and clear.  I had practiced presence, and in that, found freedom and peace.  It looked ugly and painful from the outside, and felt agonizing as the energy left my body, but I was free, always free. 

Just as the earth offers shade and space for the roots of a tree to grow, it simultaneously creates the boundary between dark and light, and ushers the blossoming of the branches above its surface.  That boundary is critical in ensuring the life of that tree, and in supporting the roles of the various systems within that organism. My hope is that you now see how truly important it is for each of us to master this art.

Moving forward, I encourage you to be aware of your engagement from moment to moment, and where you direct your thoughts. No resolution is ever born by directing your eyes on moments not yet shaped by time, nor those that have already left a mark. Practice presence as often and completely as you can- especially when it brings pain and hardship for these are the moments that encourage rest and reflection, and can soon usher light into your darkness. Boundaries (created in large part through the practice of presence) are one of your greatest tools in this life; learn to use them wisely and you will soon be free.

Much love and peace on your journey,


Saturday, June 23, 2012


This cycle started just a week ago, and now it was resolved.  A marked improvement from our past cycles, and the space between them was nearly a year- it was incredible to feel the growth between us.  Each time the ebb of the tide pulled away a little less, just like a pendulum swinging back to its resting space.

I recognized every time that there was something to learn, an opportunity for greater compassion, and deeper, more vulnerable love.  And so I feared the cycles less, and trusted that this moment was only temporary, very temporary.  I moved forward.

Downstairs, I heard the banging, crashes and giggles of young boys being boys in my basement.  It was a sound that reminded me of a truth in life: that we all need and desire different things, and far be it our business to ever try and control each other.  The mother in me leaps out, screaming, "but they are children and they must learn to be respectful, aware of others and the house- more "adult-like"'.  My spirit rushes back into my blood and I realize I should not fear allowing them this space to express themselves authentically, to be wild boys wrestling in the basement.  I shouldn't fear this because they will understand all the lessons we try to 'force' on them simply because I am modeling them.  Because I hold that respectful space for them to meet in, and soon their energy will match mine, and we will meet in love, with desire to work together.  It is the disconnection from each other that causes the challenges to erupt.

The dog pants restlessly on this hot desert summer day, and I look out the window.  I notice how beautiful the sunshine is against my green grass.  The leaves rustle and wave to me, beckoning me to join them in the shady breeze outside.  I smile, and remember some of life's simple wisdom, "Honor yourself in all things you do.  In every choice you make, every embrace you share, in every breath that you breathe, and you will be free.  You will be love."

I was suddenly pulled from my train of thoughts, and the hypnotic dance in my heart that was occurring as I engaged the trees outside.  The clanks in the basement captured my attention again, and the leaves stop waving for a moment.  I felt it was time to play with my boys now.  I stood up to head downstairs.

The leaves begin nodding again, as if to confirm I had made the right choice.  Then, just as I began to head toward the boys, they appeared.  We all were headed in the same direction.  The synchronicity of it all enchanted me, and I understood everything very clearly now.

Moments later, he came home bearing special treats from the store.  The back door opened, and he joined me on the porch with two rum cocktails.  His drink made with dark soda- mine light.  Balance in our home had been restored.  Now to sit quietly as I etch this memory, and the wholeness it brings to my life, in my heart.  We must always remember these moments, they are real- and they are the true fabric of our lives.

REMEMBERING balance...

I have been less active than usual on here the past week or so in an effort to rest, reflect, unplug and attempt to re-balance myself. Having just returned from a short vacation last week, I had a lot of time to sit with myself, silently and reflectively. I was able to slow down enough to find space in my life, and pull myself out of the current I had allowed myself to get swept away by recently, and the current I choose to ride was a very chaotic, and exhausting one, with little balance.

In the beginning, I convinced myself that I was just working really hard, and it was a good thing- my business was growing efficiently, I was juggling all these balls at once, things were happening- sweet! But on the back side, I realized I was becoming swept away by my own need to create and stimulate myself, push my mission forward, but at an unnatural pace. I went from riding the flow, and answering my spirits call to action- to forcing it, instead of nurturing its growth. I fully realized that left no space in my life energetically for my work and business to manifest. For new things to come into my life.

I had also pushed everything, and everyone I was no longer feeding out of my life. Poof, the balance I've known so well for the past year or so because I have practiced gratitude daily, lived in love, with hope and optimism- nearly gone. The balance I created because I honored boundaries and practiced presence and engagement with an array of aspects in my life- not just one- hung by a fine thread.

I fully accept the ways in which I had allowed myself to get off course. Until today, it had been a few weeks since I was down on the ground playing with my little men. My insomnia ramped back up because I did not make it a point to unplug, my partner and I were spending little time hanging out because I was always "working", and I certainly was not taking care of myself- no hikes, no yoga, random meditations only, my healthy diet was growing less consistent because I was always on the go- in general, I had quit playing with this life.

So now, I have unplugged from that exhausting, unbalanced, robotic existence, and start to create boundaries again. I choose to focus on having clear and healthy boundaries within all aspects of my life. I will make more time to get down with my dudes. I will create time in my life to play. I will spend less time on the computer, and more time with myself- hiking, cooking, dancing, gardening, etc. It is now time for me to shift back.

And the clear lesson I was reminded of this past month, is that life can be so blissful and so beautiful, but you MUST PRACTICE DAILY- the things that make it so- you have to ENGAGE life in the ways you want to see it unfold. You are the CREATOR of your experience here, that is a truth best not denied.

Much love and peace my friends,


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Speaking frankly about partnership...

Every day I learn with more clarity, the art of partnership.

Some lessons learned about PARTNERSHIP:
1.)  Be love first always, and when you cannot offer that, step away and be with yourself because there is something within you not being honored that is taking the ability away from you to offer LOVE to your partner.  Find your discomfort, identify it, and work to resolve it.

2.)  Even when you are hurt, do not offer and return that to the other.  Be bigger, bolder, stronger, and bow out.  Hold space for them to return to heart-center with you.

3.)  Always forgive, unless it is time to forget.  Then release them, and move on if you truly deserve better.  If you have shifted, honored, and owned, and your partner still holds you hostage, then they are not your partner.  Release yourself, be free from that, and move on...then always come back to a space of forgiveness, and once again, release yourself from all pain and disconnection- forgiveness offered to them is really peace offered to yourself.  It is noble; and beautifully self-serving in the most nurturing way, too.  Fabulous- sign me up!  :)

4.)  Understand that no matter how humble, engaged, forgiving, generous and loving you are- sometimes you will travel different paths, and respond to beats of a different drum.  This truth need not cause turmoil, rather communicate to you that all things are healthy- and remind you that you honor each others private journeys, and must depend FIRST, and foremost, on your connection to self.  Keep it strong.

5.)  Talk often and always about who you are, what you want, how you feel, what you need, what you dream of- never hesitate to speak your truth, but remember to always come from a heart-centered place.  If you truly cannot come from a heart-centered place, ask yourself why, and pause.  Pause and acknowledge (aloud if possible) that you have let some part of your foundation become unstable.  Step away. Resolve it, then ask again what your heart requires and needs from your partner moving forward...THEN speak.  If you lose it before you are able to step away, and have to throw something at them make sure it is not breakable or would hurt them- I prefer a tissue, or piece of junk mail.  :)  Then apologize, and review the above items again.

6.)  If you find yourself alone, and without your partner- enjoy it!  Take the time to re-connect with yourself, your independent dreams and goals- cherish your disconnection because it reminds you that on the other side of this incredible partnership, is only you.  YOU will never leave, YOU will always be required to rely on, and trust, yourself to lead you in your life.  Stay acquainted with YOU. A theme is building here... :)

7.)  Fill your partnership with gratitude and awareness, and release expectations of one another to be something different.  Embrace all that you are, and can be, but don't draw lines in the sand for each other.  Hold space.  I can't say that enough- HOLD SPACE.  Leave things lovingly at each others "door steps", but don't change the lock secretly and expect that they hold your new key.

8.)  Until you learn all of this, and more, of course- know and always remember, you will have hard times, but that does not mean your soulful union is not real.  You absolutely know if it is, and if you doubt or question that it ever was, it probably never was.  Soulful union is so deep, pure and true that once you have it, life is lighter, you fully embrace yourself- scars and all, and well, you FART in front of each other sometimes, and it's all GOOD.  :)  And, if you don't pass the occasional gas- either you have a flawless diet, or you are holding something very natural and relieving in, be free together- bust a move! ;)

9.)  Laugh as often as you can, and especially at yourself when you become off-balance, disconnected, rude, or otherwise a pain in the ass.  Soulful partnership requires an incredible amount of patience, self-responsiblity, vulnerability, humility, and LOVE.  Be love.

Soulful partnership is BEAUTIFUL!

Soulful partnership asks, requires actually, the grace and understanding of a free and heart-centered person.  It says with the most sincerity and absence of judgment that can be said, "I love and honor you, but sometimes disagree or cannot relate to you".  To offer someone, and honor someone, in this kind of spiritual union, means you release yourself from the responsibility that I have come to realize, is only required of the ego.  The ego demands resolution, relief from discomfort or responsibility, and it looks to outside forces for those things, or to blame.  When you can move into a heart space, you understand the beauty and gravity of discomfort when it arises.  You trust your ability to grow and learn from your mistakes.  You live in a space virtually free of self doubt, but rather courage and commitment to pursue your best.  Seldom do you need to apologize or fumble here, which is brilliant~ the more aligned- the more peaceful and steady, and on target, you behave.  What a beautiful thing!

In love, Be love, I am love,


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our present is simply our past manifested...

I was speaking with a friend tonight- we are both writers, and both soulful and deeply spiritual beings.  An ancient journal of mine that recently resurfaced ended up on the table as we talked tonight.  As we were flipping through it and I was sharing bits and pieces that were poignantly relevant to our conversation, I came across an entry I wrote in September of 2009 that facilitated the birth of my blog, though I did not realize it at the time.  It got me thinking about how things come to fruition.

It truly is our thoughts that create our world, and its guiding vibration.  Back in 2009, I was really struggling with a handful of things: depression and old, ill-serving patterns particularly- yet despite the emotional roller coaster ride I traveled frequently, I believed and thought that life was something far greater, richer, and more engaging than the experiences and emotions I was being swept away by all too often; and so, over time, I found my way back to that reality.

The thoughts created the strength and space in me required to confront and heal the wounded places in my soul and psyche, so that I could be restored, integrated and re-emerge in this life- a new woman- humbled, alive, fearless, grateful, engaged, weightless, free- full of love and light. 

Recognize that this moment- this perhaps, uncomfortable and challenging time, has already been created. So even as you may be suffering in it- any work you do from this moment forward, your heartfelt beliefs, and guiding thoughts can lead you from this place of discomfort and you CAN shift your future. Our present is simply our past manifested. Things can always change, but you must plant the seeds of new life, and water them. You must also weed your garden bed, or the weeds will keep re-emerging, imposing on the growth and development of those new seeds...

For you Cai- the journal entry that inspired this blog: Subway Lights

The sounds of my life-
I wish I could record them for you- to hold in your heart.
I watch Cooper James & Bman chase each other around the house-
a laugh extending from Cooper that is deep & full.
A rainbow of emotions flit through my body-
like lights flashing through the night windows on a subway.
It is funny how out of touch I can sometimes get with my feelings.
The rhythmic pulsing, the shift in note-
hard to trust,
get comfortable with.
The space in my breath decreases,
constricted by the night without stars, or even the moon.
I must find my light again,
reach out for the sun...
FILL me up...
it will- until it burst from my fingertips.
Find that vibration expelling goodness,
find its rhythmic pulse.
Don't lose that note.
Breathing now...
breathing now.
I find my beat again- I remember.
I am on my way back.

May your own recognitions of the light and darkness, and the full spectrum we will travel at different moments throughout our lifetime, allow you to remain grounded and strong, authentic and raw despite whatever challenge life honors you with.  You are never alone in your journey- we have all been asked to rise from the ashes. 

Peace be,


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

bless the darkness...

I think sometimes we create this idea that there is one way to live, a moral code that makes us & others wrong or right, & when times in our lives ask or require, or even demand through ugly circumstance that we deviate from that, we judge...OURSELVES, & often through others.

It is during these times of low energy, darkness, & shifting within our own experiences that the worst in others emerges, but if we can remember that there is no RIGHT way to have a human experience- there is no requirement that must be met to graduate to the next level, we would be so much better off.

An authentic experience is full of highs and lows, it does not hide from the shadow or the light, rather embraces them both, & accepts the lessons each have to offer- the messages.

Blissful, soulful living does not require you to deny your struggles, or believe & focus on ONLY your positive moments in this life- IT asks you to be REAL, & heartfelt, & honor all that you are...the LIGHT inside, along with the DARKNESS. 

There is no shame in hosting your shadow for some time. In fact, there is freedom & love in it because it holds the key to our truth; our conversations, struggles, recognitions not yet fully actualized. Bring them to the light & all will be well- your darkness is your gas light, reminding you when you are low and needing to be fed, fueled, or given a break. It says that some form of attention is needed internally.

From all the words, thoughts, actions, instructions floating around this world- please take only two things:

ONE- the things that RESONATE with YOU & FEEL right or so wrong you cannot deny its truth ;)
TWO- that YOU ARE POWERFUL beyond your greatest understanding. You do & will continue to create your life, & do the work required for your growth when you are ready- OR you won't & you will stay stuck, stagnant, frustrated & angry. YOU can & will shift your perception, words, actions in time as you are ready, & because our world needs it. No pressure, but certainly when the time is right I hope, as many do, you will choose a blissful, soulful engaged life... ;)

Please don't ever fear anything in yourself, even in that moment of fear (LOVE it & welcome your feelings, but remind yourself you are okay)- it can all change & you can be whole & integrated- fearless. Fearless does not mean never having fear creep into your life, it means you say hello to it as it arrives & then step THROUGH it into your next space along the journey.

You are all you need & have in this life, don't let this being 'human' thing convince you more is needed. When you move back into your heart space, & live openly with LOVE, compassion and authentic awareness- you have arrived & WE are ONE. :)

All my love to each of you, and MYSELF, as we wade through our sludge &/or sunshine & every potential stop in between...

Yours in sacred, loving service,


Sunday, May 20, 2012

we are powerful beyond words...

The reason it is so scary to own your own power is because once you do, you can no longer blame things outside of yourself for who you are and what you'll become. You realize you must take ownership for all things that happen to you and in your life.

We invite and attract the very things which provide the lessons we need in order to transcend our current hardships. The brilliance, and frustration, in this beautiful, divine plan is that the lessons get harder, louder and more painful the longer you wait to hear them. Listen to the whisper before it becomes the thunder.

All spiritual practices indicate to us in one form or another that life is constantly testing our allegiance and trust in heaven. The more the ground beneath us shakes, the greater our chances of looking up. Look up, EVERYDAY, in each moment. Know and trust you are part of the Divinity that wraps its self around us and feeds our life. The sunshine, the bees, the flowers and the trees. Be ONE with it, and you will be unshakable. You will know heaven...the rest will all, but fall away.

You have the power to shift things in your life, and peel away the chaos that envelopes you, by stepping into your power and releasing veils of the past so that you can SEE clearly YOUR vision of the future.

You are a DIVINE and SOULFUL being, and 'you' always have been. Now remember it, and honor it- treat yourself as such. Treat life as such, and you will know heaven as it exists in each moment you allow it to.




Friday, May 18, 2012

Moments of Recognition...

If we could always come back to the place we exist in when our deep recognitions arrive...we would become virtually unshakable- solid as freakin' rocks.

I have been feeling super low energy the last few days, just not my dapper self.  Been noticeably short with my dudes, just not very open in my engagements with them, sort of distant.  In these times it is often because it is so easy to get swept away by the emotions, and the stories that accompany them in the moment.  They (the stories) usually include for me, that the irritations I am feeling are BECAUSE of someone else- usually those monkeys climbing around my house...but, of course it is not their fault.  It is mine.

I have not been speaking up for myself and advocating for the time and care I need right now, nor have I been honoring my body's request for it.  So here I am sick, tired, moody for a few days, and I finally sit down.  I go and find my own quiet space and I write- often the best medicine for my soul.  Tomorrow I will re-start my yoga practice, and I will take Guinness for a hike.  I will apologize to my monkeys for not communicating better during this time, and asking for the space I needed, but instead letting my stories about them shift my energy to funky- instead of simply resting and nurturing myself; checking in with my feelings and figuring out their orgins.

Now that I have paused, and taken some space for myself, I recognize what is really happening in me emotionally.  I am feeling a shift in our house- we are all about to go our own ways for a while, or I suppose have been for a few days now- on new adventures.  Aaron's passion is being ignited by coaching- he is inspired, and he steps away from me...he engages his spirit and feeds his passion.

That is all it is- it is not about me- he is not forgetting who he is, he is REMEMBERING.  And my discomfort towards him is because I am now adjusting to him shifting away.  He has been so engaged with me, and curious and supportive of my journey- he has been giving me LOTS of fabulous attention.  Suddenly, it is not there the way it was.  He is not as available to me in the ways he was, and I deeply enjoyed and loved his attention. 

And, perhaps I am still settling into our beautiful 10 year partnership, finally trusting and knowing at a soulful level, that he will come back soon.  He will walk his path for awhile, without me.  I know his path is beautiful and perfect, even when I cannot always find myself on it with him.  In fact, I know how important it is that we sometimes walk alone. 

The discomfort I have felt the last few days, is my own, and now I have paused and acknowledged the different feelings moving through me, so I can let them rest now- release them to go on their way now.  I will start, and continue, nurturing myself during this time so I can stay strong, and vital...awake and aware of where we are.  I will gently remind myself about how balanced and centered we can be during these times, too. 

Keep these moments of recognition close to your heart, hold the wisdom gently, but with diligence.  Remember your HOME base, and the good here because when you are home you realize everything- all the moments, the funks, the space and the distance- it's a gift- though it always could have been.  This space is full of love, honor, compassion, support, acknowledgment, soulful connection.  This is home!  And if your home does not feel this way most of the time, or never- it can, I promise. 

Been making lots of promises lately- never used to do that, must be feeling really safe- truly living close to home most of the time now.  It's no longer about putting things INTO practice- they are my practice!  It feels nice--actually, it feels amazing- and wholesome.  And so it is!

With deep gratitude and blessings,


the authenticity of being...

And the moment comes when you can no longer look at yourself, and lie- about who you are- what you want- what your soul longs for- the authenticity of being. When you arrive in this moment, you remember- you ARE all that you need and want, and dream of...this moment of truth is undeniable, powerful beyond words- you cannot put this realization back in that box hidden beneath your skin. Embrace it, honor it, let it grow in the sun and whisper in the dark, all the wisdom you have denied hearing it speak to you for so long. Heart is soul, mind is body- integrate them, create a SOULFUL partnership between the two- and you will know freedom for the rest of your days, i promise...

Yours in loving service,


Thursday, May 10, 2012

the merry-go-round

We truly must be compassionate to ourselves and others- always, especially in moments of heated emotional honesty. While we may not be able to relate to the space the other person may be in (or they to us), it is so important to recognize- with an open heart- that we have once been in that emotional state before, and probably will be again some day. Honor each other, and offer space and love when you need it, or they do. We all ride the merry-go-round, and someone always exists on some point of that ride at any given moment- it is only important that you know where you are.



life's guiding pulse

You know I was sitting here tonight with my boys, watching them move around clumsily, yet with more grace than before and realizing that unless I slow down more, and pause for a moment to really etch these memories into my heart, someday many of them will slip away. They may become, but THIS moment, and nothing more. But they are all worth so much more.

So many things are worth pausing for, to sit in wonder while drinking every little detail in, down to the smell of the kitchen dinner behind me, the sounds of their small, LOUD feet playing bball on the hardwood, and that amazing hand screened train shirt I got a couple years ago for Bman while in Santa Fe, now being worn by my rapidly growing 3 year old, Cooper...

Pause and DRINK it in as much as you can because these memories are fleeting, as life so quickly transitions. Carry the memories that MAGNIFY your presence in each moment, because before you know it life's next shiny object may catch your attention and you will forget this joyful moment, and what it feels like to be here. These moments add structure and strength to your heart. Life's guiding pulse!

Much love,


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

a CONVERSATION with my son...

Today when talking with my son he spoke about his little brother being a "rascal", and said it in a manner in which he implied that quality was unique only to him. I brought to his attention that we can all be "rascals" or "fill in the blank" sometimes- that is life- but we must learn to be aware enough, and to catch ourselves in those moments so we may shift things, or step away until we are ready to be our best selves. He said, "Even you mom?" Sweet boy, how quickly he apparently forgets, or smooth he is growing. ;)

Yesterday afternoon, I was very tired, and very grouchy with the boys and I used that example, reminding him about how I came to him and apologized very soon after being rude and short with them, and discussed how I did not handle my frustration and feelings very well. In that moment, he smiled and said he remembered, but then we moved on from that. This morning, he had a pretty moody couple of hours himself. He did not always do very well at shifting it, but tonight at bedtime, on his own time and desire, he apologized for being "ornery, grouchy, and selfish" this morning. It touched my heart so deeply.

Children understand the messages of our actions, and also our words. When we stand in the light of humility, honesty, and self-reflection even when it is not our favorite picture, it teaches them how to practice the same things in their life- it gives them permission to open their heart to the same things in themselves.

Never fear the things in yourself that are less than perfect, in fact, celebrate them. Whether you are a parent, partner, friend, co-worker, etc. it is in acknowledging your imperfections and struggles and then OWNING them and CHANGING them, that creates beautiful shifts in our world. One exchange at a time. We empower our hearts ability to grow, and eliminate the power of our mind to dictate the negative course of our actions.

As you change yourself, you hold space and understanding for others to do the same. Be a space holder in our world for something better- a more loving and accepting world, that honors all that is, but that in the same breath, roots for all that we are, and have yet to become.

Love and Light,


OUR future, OUR responsibility...

I often just stare at my children as they play. Children understand this magical gift that is life. They don't take it for granted, and they certainly don't question its magnificence- they dance with it, roll in it, smile at it, cry in it, and revel in its wonder. It is an incredibly healing thing to observe.

Try to live through a child's eyes as often as possible, and if you are a parent, or have children in your life who look up to you, do this while honoring and guiding them through the details that try to interfere with 'our' ability to maintain this present and focused child-like wonder. Help assure for them they won't have to "remember" and re-learn how to be this connected to their lives down the road.

Offer yourself as a model by taking the responsibility to WAKE up yourself &/or STAY AWAKE, teach them in ways that will allow them to stay ENGAGED and PRESENT- living with an open heart, lovingly, curious, empowered, and kind...they are the true future of our world- help them BE so.




Lots of doors from my past are gently closing so that others may open unobstructed. A whole period of my life concludes seemingly fluidly, and I sit for the first time, grounded and peaceful amidst the transition. The discomfort of all the energy that bounces around in me confirms big change on the horizon and for the first time I do not fight it, but let it move me forward on my path. No more dragging my heels in fear, only love and trust in my heart today. Lokah Samastah Suhkino Bhavantu

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Soulful Partnership

Soulful partnership requires each person allowing the other space and time needed to grow together, as well as apart, and to honor and offer these cycles to one another with respect and dignity, while releasing imposing expectations.

Soulful partnership includes a silent surrender and bow to each other in moments of escalation and instability. It recognizes in the action of the bow that there is an acknowledgment that this moment is real, and it is time to step away and reflect on what is causing the feelings to erupt, while also seeing that the feelings and emotions are very temporary- absolutely temporary- and with love and intention it will soon pass, and you all will grow.

Soulful partnership does not hold each other as emotional hostages by indulging our lower impulses of manipulation, selfishness, or anger, but frees the other to be the most authentic self possible. It exists without judgment, and instead with love, compassion, and ownership.

Soulful partnership asks for great flexibility; it is all about learning the divine dance...

Love and Light,


Thursday, May 3, 2012

filled by you, JOY!

Pure MAGIC is all I know these days; it is a force and phenomenon that has been flooding my life lately, and it is truly, and fantastically, beautiful.  The capacity we have to be filled with JOY is incredible.  We are such magnificent beings whose energy can flow so smoothly and efficiently that it literally feels some days as if your chest might burst wide open and the love flowing inside of you will just radiate for miles and miles...and it does!

It is so incredible.  To feel this energy in your toes, in your fingers- as they dance while you tell your stories about life.  Your blood courses through you and you feel so alive.

This feeling should not be so foreign or intimidating- people should understand how easy it is to LIVE- to really be ALIVE- when this flows through you.  When your thoughts ONLY pause to note all the beautiful things in your day, or the visions that flow through you of your future, or the future of those you love.  When you can see everything for the magical force it is, and you understand the joys and the sorrows alike as part of this magic, you will realize that sorrows only come when you really LOVE something, and it is lost; it is then, sorrow is used only as a means to honor that love. It never need come because of something outside of you, or from someone else who is attempting to intrude upon you because something lives unresolved in them.

All is so good here.

If only there were some way you could plug others who don't feel this full of life into your blood line for just a moment, so they would know, so they could trust- that through the other side of their fear, sadness, or discomfort of any kind- they would find goodness, pure light.  They would know only love and acceptance of self, and in that, discover that there is no option beyond that, but to love and share that with all beings, even those you could never imagine offering it to before.  Everyone and everything is magic here, and it is so magnificent, so sturdy, so REAL.  You ARE fearless and free.

I accept my purpose with my whole heart, and vow to offer my life in service, to support and love  humanity in any way I can, as they learn how to step into their fears and insecurities, and TRANSFORM into powerful, free, and enchanting beings of light who have nothing to offer each other, but pure JOY.

Yours in sacred, loving service,


Monday, April 30, 2012

Your greatest teacher...

When you have forgotten the way of our heart, and can no longer hear its guiding voice, you will suffer. You must remember, first, to trust the wisdom of your heart, for it is your compass. Then, as you learn your direction, allow your mind to become the tool of creation, but never before if you wish to travel the most efficient and least painful path. Love and Light, L.


"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung

Try not to deny or fight the duality of light and darkness in your life, instead welcome it and try to honor it for what it is in its natural state.  Duality is a critical cycle to our being- it keeps our experience balanced and full of integrity. 

Try thinking of the 'light' as a time for creation, action, growth, manifestation, and life.  While 'darkness' is a guide offering you space, and asking you to sit still in reflection, to rest, re-evaluate, honor, and let go in order to begin anew when you are ready or it is time- sometimes its form is literally death and destruction.

Duality need not be scary when you can learn to trust its wisdom to lead you through life, and offer you what you require each leg of your journey.  It is a gift that provides each of us exactly what we require to evolve in that moment of our lives.

Love and Light,


"Pain pushes until vision pulls"- Micheal Beckwith

Consider this quote by Micheal Beckwith..."Pain pushes until vision pulls!"

 For a great many years I was able to see my vision of where I wanted to go on the other side of the road, but I could not activate myself to get over there. It was only a matter of time before that pain pushed me into the middle of that road and forced me to choose. Get beaten down by the "traffic on the road" or step into my vision and live freely.

Which space do you live in- pain (inactive) or vision (active)? A simple shift in perception today is perhaps just the thing you need to move away from the pain you may be feeling today, or maybe there is more work to be done and you feel paralyzed. Pain can be used as a guide and a teacher, but it need not be your whole experience.

If you are experiencing pain right now ask yourself:
What is causing this pain? Is it physical or emotional- both? Is it mine, or does it belong to someone else? Where do I want/need to go from here? Can my vision alone carry me out of this space, or do I need to ask for help?

If you need to call in support, do it! You don't need to live in discomfort for long- it need only be a transitional guide. Help is always for the asking, and believe me- there are always, ALWAYS a great number of loving people just a phone call or email away- myself included.

Love and Light to all this beautiful day! L.

EVERY one...

"When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self." - Confucius

If my work with people experiencing homelessness, suffering from addictions, and living in extreme poverty has taught me little else, it is that EVERY one of us is worthy of love, respect, compassion and kindness- no matter how little you seem to be able to understand about their experience/s. If you find yourself unable to understand this, as Confucius says, "then examine your inner self."

What frightens you most about offering your highest self to others, especially those you deem unworthy? What creates barriers in you that does not allow you to see their vulnerability and insecurity, their pain and suffering, their disconnection and discomfort? Is it perhaps that those exist at some level in you, unresolved? Does seeing others differently, as less worthy, allow you to protect those spaces within you by deflecting and projecting? Does it allow you to indulge your emotions in ways that do not serve you or others? Does it give you an excuse not to care?

Whenever you catch yourself in moments like these, whip those questions out and start breaking them down- challenge those places inside of you, and adjust them. We have major shifts to make in our world, starting within us, then spreading...shifts that will benefit 'all' of us.

In loving service,


With Depth and Breadth...

With depth and breadth,
my heart expands,
acknowledging a universal plan.
"Become the light-
YOU hold the key,
to OUR infinite possibility."
Standing in your light,
you will be free of fear,
reflecting back to you,
are messages-
crystal clear.
"Go forth in LOVE,
and you will see,
the beauty of our nature,
and who we will soon be."
With depth and breadth,
my heart expands,

the universal plan.

In this moment,
my pulse...

rhythmically dances,
to the soft, 

whispers of my heart:
"you remember. You Remember. YOU REMEMBER."

Transcendence and Freedom

These beautiful pictures are not just pretty things we can look at and dream of being, but they are beautiful and authentic places in which we can truly exist. TRUST you are exactly where you need to be in this moment. Quit fighting yourself and your experience, and relax into the messages of the present. 

As hard as it may be to understand some days, we must remember we are given the tools/challenges we need to evolve and be something stronger, better, and more whole- everyday. Courage and fearlessness are born in the surrender and trust that each moment will guide you to the place you need to be when you are ready to listen with your heart. Suffering is born in your resistance; your false notion that you can control and manipulate a piece of your experience that does not belong to you.

Allow growth, healing and love to flow into your life and fill the places not yet basking in the light, it is here you will find peace, serenity, and unending love for self and others.  And know as you find the space and ability to offer this to yourself, all previous traumas/experiences that brought emotional and/or physical hardship were not in vain. They will have taught you transcendence and freedom.

Yours in Sacred, Loving Service, 



If I might offer each of you the idea that wellness is not just a lifestyle change based on dietary choices and/or exercise, but a true journey within. It is in the healing, and integration, of your heart and soul that you will find the freedom, courage, and discipline required to make any decision you so desire. Lokah Samasta Suhkino Bhavantu

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The SOUL...

(There is a reason all religions have very similar mystic roots as one another- they were all born, and grew, from the collective consciousness over space and time as a method to process our human experiences with the divine.)

I received an amazing gift today from a friend.  A story- her story, and all the beautiful recognitions that came along with that for her.  It was one of the more meaningful, engaging and insightful conversations I have ever experienced, and that is profound as I spend most of my days thinking, feeling and conversing with others in deeply meaningful ways.  She drew an image that she had been seeing over and over, and then its evolution and finally after speaking with me about some things, her conclusion about the image.  She believed it was the symbol for the Soul.  It was beautiful and the ideas and insights behind it were mesmerizing, and, we both concluded from what our experiences have taught us, correct.  It was the Soul (on paper, explained in a way neither of us had ever been able to articulate independently with such clarity).  We were each others missing puzzle pieces in that moment.  It was incredible.  Absolutely incredible.

My point in sharing this is not to now explain to you what we were looking at or concluded, for it is something I believe you witness in your own time, as you need to see it, when you are ready.  My point is, as she put it today, that we offered such important reflections to one another.  We provided each other with confirmation, support, and insights that were both shared and new, but that pushed both of us beyond our boundaries, and into a new and peaceful space. 

I feel many of us have forgotten this truth- that we are but reflections of each other, for better or worse (doesn't matter, it all has the potential to be our teacher), and as such we must share, support, listen, serve, love, honor, and challenge each other in order to grow.  Over time, the Oneness of our experience as humans has been splintered into an array of personalities, habits, preferences, judgments, addictions, and egos.

Using my spiritual path as an example, a great many years, anytime I had a profound recognition I thought 'I' was the one who had made that conclusion- 'I' was the founder and owner of that progress and I would feel very proud.  I remember it always felt very rooted in ego, rather than rooted in peace if that makes any sense at all.  It was an idea I had in my life, as opposed to an application I had in my life, but I claimed it as mine and shared it like I was the all knowing.  The idea was not mine to own.  It was always a shared piece of information, cycling somewhere through our collective consciousness- I just finally received it and managed to translate it in whatever unique form it asked to be shared.  The message was a gift to help me along my journey in ways I had all but forgotten.  But it was never mine!  How silly of me to perceive myself as so separate from the whole.

The difference in my life now, is that those messages/wisdom come streaming through loud and clear, and with great consistency, and they are always something that I find in my heart (not my head) while living, breathing, and sharing the most authentic and honest version of myself that I know how to offer in that moment.  I have come to think the messages and insights are always there and available to each of us, and when we can reconnect to our collective identity and detach from the ideas that have created barriers and distance between ourselves and our neighbors, they stream through loud and clear.  If you think of reconnecting to our oneness,  imagine the oneness being a great radio tower.  Reconnecting is figuring out how to build yourself a stronger, clearer, more reliable tower that allows you to receive a higher frequency of sound and information.  The main difference in me that I believe has supported the foundation of this new communication is that I have created a radio tower from a deeply grateful learner's heart and am open to receiving information in a way I was very disconnected from before.  I also practice actively seeing myself in every person I encounter, particularly those I find myself having any sort of reaction to or judgment about, or who I feel deeply disconnected from.  This practice has shifted my whole perspective and relationship with life.

I truly believe we owe it to each other to share our most authentic selves always, even when we may appear confused, weak, angry, joyful, embarrassed, hurt, happy, etc. in the process. We owe it to each other for so many reasons, but particularly because it gives ourselves and others permission to see each other in those reflections.  To learn from each other, to offer safety, compassion and forgiveness to one another, to see our oneness, our connection.  It says with no judgment- "we meet here in love and sacred honesty."  It allows us to acknowledge that we all exist on some point of the continuum at any given moment.  Not a single one of us has lived a life absent of self doubt, fear, bad choices, beauty, love, and courage, and not a single one of us exists at any one point on that spectrum together, but we can certainly honor each other as we travel along that continuum, as equals.  We can learn and grow by sharing with each other.  We can offer humility, strength, and love to ourselves and others with no expectations, rather we can provide those things to each other in a sacred, warm, and welcoming space.  You never know what you might heal inside yourself or others by offering your most authentic reflection to the world.  Try it, it is pretty darn liberating! ;)

In love and support on the journey,
