Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What Commands Your Attention?

Some days it becomes crystal clear to me that I need some space free of interactions with others.  Instead of ignoring this, and willfully, and often selfishly engaging others when I have nothing loving and positive to offer- I now make it a point to step away, and be with myself.

In the silence, and company of myself it is then I become aware of what needs attention in me.  Sometimes I notice my energy was just matching another person's, and it was simply a matter of removing myself from that vibration, and other times it is clearly my imbalance that was charging the room.  Either way, I become clear about ME- the only thing in the world I can change, when and how, I want to.  The only person in the world for whom I am entirely responsible.  The only person in the world to which I have full and complete access.

It is important we learn to honor this call to walk away, or stay and endure, or better yet- deeply enjoy the experience.  These moments teach us to be fully present with ourselves, and to nurture our every need- keeping us clear and light for all that may come next.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you can no longer interact with someone with an open-heart, you must learn to walk away and sit with yourself.  THEY did not shut your heart down, something WITHIN YOU being triggered did.  Ask it for its wisdom.  There is no sense in spending time focused on anything outside of that- your harmonious, resting state cannot be challenged by the words, actions, or energy of others unless you are not living with yourself harmoniously.  If this is the case, reflect on your actions and thoughts and see what you can learn about ways you may be out of balance.

It's all a learning curve, and you get better all the time at tiptoeing gracefully across the center of your teeter-totter, soon it will be only seldom that you find yourself on either end of that ride.  The more keen your connection to self, and integrated your life is, the more quickly you are able to shift the energy and actions of your life, and remarkably- the less you have to be concerned with doing it because you will discover soon your awareness is available to you always, and it's the primary thing you need in these moments.  You will know where to go next from there.

Become your own lighthouse...

In love. Be love. I am love.

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