Monday, April 30, 2012

Your greatest teacher...

When you have forgotten the way of our heart, and can no longer hear its guiding voice, you will suffer. You must remember, first, to trust the wisdom of your heart, for it is your compass. Then, as you learn your direction, allow your mind to become the tool of creation, but never before if you wish to travel the most efficient and least painful path. Love and Light, L.


"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung

Try not to deny or fight the duality of light and darkness in your life, instead welcome it and try to honor it for what it is in its natural state.  Duality is a critical cycle to our being- it keeps our experience balanced and full of integrity. 

Try thinking of the 'light' as a time for creation, action, growth, manifestation, and life.  While 'darkness' is a guide offering you space, and asking you to sit still in reflection, to rest, re-evaluate, honor, and let go in order to begin anew when you are ready or it is time- sometimes its form is literally death and destruction.

Duality need not be scary when you can learn to trust its wisdom to lead you through life, and offer you what you require each leg of your journey.  It is a gift that provides each of us exactly what we require to evolve in that moment of our lives.

Love and Light,


"Pain pushes until vision pulls"- Micheal Beckwith

Consider this quote by Micheal Beckwith..."Pain pushes until vision pulls!"

 For a great many years I was able to see my vision of where I wanted to go on the other side of the road, but I could not activate myself to get over there. It was only a matter of time before that pain pushed me into the middle of that road and forced me to choose. Get beaten down by the "traffic on the road" or step into my vision and live freely.

Which space do you live in- pain (inactive) or vision (active)? A simple shift in perception today is perhaps just the thing you need to move away from the pain you may be feeling today, or maybe there is more work to be done and you feel paralyzed. Pain can be used as a guide and a teacher, but it need not be your whole experience.

If you are experiencing pain right now ask yourself:
What is causing this pain? Is it physical or emotional- both? Is it mine, or does it belong to someone else? Where do I want/need to go from here? Can my vision alone carry me out of this space, or do I need to ask for help?

If you need to call in support, do it! You don't need to live in discomfort for long- it need only be a transitional guide. Help is always for the asking, and believe me- there are always, ALWAYS a great number of loving people just a phone call or email away- myself included.

Love and Light to all this beautiful day! L.

EVERY one...

"When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self." - Confucius

If my work with people experiencing homelessness, suffering from addictions, and living in extreme poverty has taught me little else, it is that EVERY one of us is worthy of love, respect, compassion and kindness- no matter how little you seem to be able to understand about their experience/s. If you find yourself unable to understand this, as Confucius says, "then examine your inner self."

What frightens you most about offering your highest self to others, especially those you deem unworthy? What creates barriers in you that does not allow you to see their vulnerability and insecurity, their pain and suffering, their disconnection and discomfort? Is it perhaps that those exist at some level in you, unresolved? Does seeing others differently, as less worthy, allow you to protect those spaces within you by deflecting and projecting? Does it allow you to indulge your emotions in ways that do not serve you or others? Does it give you an excuse not to care?

Whenever you catch yourself in moments like these, whip those questions out and start breaking them down- challenge those places inside of you, and adjust them. We have major shifts to make in our world, starting within us, then spreading...shifts that will benefit 'all' of us.

In loving service,


With Depth and Breadth...

With depth and breadth,
my heart expands,
acknowledging a universal plan.
"Become the light-
YOU hold the key,
to OUR infinite possibility."
Standing in your light,
you will be free of fear,
reflecting back to you,
are messages-
crystal clear.
"Go forth in LOVE,
and you will see,
the beauty of our nature,
and who we will soon be."
With depth and breadth,
my heart expands,

the universal plan.

In this moment,
my pulse...

rhythmically dances,
to the soft, 

whispers of my heart:
"you remember. You Remember. YOU REMEMBER."

Transcendence and Freedom

These beautiful pictures are not just pretty things we can look at and dream of being, but they are beautiful and authentic places in which we can truly exist. TRUST you are exactly where you need to be in this moment. Quit fighting yourself and your experience, and relax into the messages of the present. 

As hard as it may be to understand some days, we must remember we are given the tools/challenges we need to evolve and be something stronger, better, and more whole- everyday. Courage and fearlessness are born in the surrender and trust that each moment will guide you to the place you need to be when you are ready to listen with your heart. Suffering is born in your resistance; your false notion that you can control and manipulate a piece of your experience that does not belong to you.

Allow growth, healing and love to flow into your life and fill the places not yet basking in the light, it is here you will find peace, serenity, and unending love for self and others.  And know as you find the space and ability to offer this to yourself, all previous traumas/experiences that brought emotional and/or physical hardship were not in vain. They will have taught you transcendence and freedom.

Yours in Sacred, Loving Service, 



If I might offer each of you the idea that wellness is not just a lifestyle change based on dietary choices and/or exercise, but a true journey within. It is in the healing, and integration, of your heart and soul that you will find the freedom, courage, and discipline required to make any decision you so desire. Lokah Samasta Suhkino Bhavantu

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The SOUL...

(There is a reason all religions have very similar mystic roots as one another- they were all born, and grew, from the collective consciousness over space and time as a method to process our human experiences with the divine.)

I received an amazing gift today from a friend.  A story- her story, and all the beautiful recognitions that came along with that for her.  It was one of the more meaningful, engaging and insightful conversations I have ever experienced, and that is profound as I spend most of my days thinking, feeling and conversing with others in deeply meaningful ways.  She drew an image that she had been seeing over and over, and then its evolution and finally after speaking with me about some things, her conclusion about the image.  She believed it was the symbol for the Soul.  It was beautiful and the ideas and insights behind it were mesmerizing, and, we both concluded from what our experiences have taught us, correct.  It was the Soul (on paper, explained in a way neither of us had ever been able to articulate independently with such clarity).  We were each others missing puzzle pieces in that moment.  It was incredible.  Absolutely incredible.

My point in sharing this is not to now explain to you what we were looking at or concluded, for it is something I believe you witness in your own time, as you need to see it, when you are ready.  My point is, as she put it today, that we offered such important reflections to one another.  We provided each other with confirmation, support, and insights that were both shared and new, but that pushed both of us beyond our boundaries, and into a new and peaceful space. 

I feel many of us have forgotten this truth- that we are but reflections of each other, for better or worse (doesn't matter, it all has the potential to be our teacher), and as such we must share, support, listen, serve, love, honor, and challenge each other in order to grow.  Over time, the Oneness of our experience as humans has been splintered into an array of personalities, habits, preferences, judgments, addictions, and egos.

Using my spiritual path as an example, a great many years, anytime I had a profound recognition I thought 'I' was the one who had made that conclusion- 'I' was the founder and owner of that progress and I would feel very proud.  I remember it always felt very rooted in ego, rather than rooted in peace if that makes any sense at all.  It was an idea I had in my life, as opposed to an application I had in my life, but I claimed it as mine and shared it like I was the all knowing.  The idea was not mine to own.  It was always a shared piece of information, cycling somewhere through our collective consciousness- I just finally received it and managed to translate it in whatever unique form it asked to be shared.  The message was a gift to help me along my journey in ways I had all but forgotten.  But it was never mine!  How silly of me to perceive myself as so separate from the whole.

The difference in my life now, is that those messages/wisdom come streaming through loud and clear, and with great consistency, and they are always something that I find in my heart (not my head) while living, breathing, and sharing the most authentic and honest version of myself that I know how to offer in that moment.  I have come to think the messages and insights are always there and available to each of us, and when we can reconnect to our collective identity and detach from the ideas that have created barriers and distance between ourselves and our neighbors, they stream through loud and clear.  If you think of reconnecting to our oneness,  imagine the oneness being a great radio tower.  Reconnecting is figuring out how to build yourself a stronger, clearer, more reliable tower that allows you to receive a higher frequency of sound and information.  The main difference in me that I believe has supported the foundation of this new communication is that I have created a radio tower from a deeply grateful learner's heart and am open to receiving information in a way I was very disconnected from before.  I also practice actively seeing myself in every person I encounter, particularly those I find myself having any sort of reaction to or judgment about, or who I feel deeply disconnected from.  This practice has shifted my whole perspective and relationship with life.

I truly believe we owe it to each other to share our most authentic selves always, even when we may appear confused, weak, angry, joyful, embarrassed, hurt, happy, etc. in the process. We owe it to each other for so many reasons, but particularly because it gives ourselves and others permission to see each other in those reflections.  To learn from each other, to offer safety, compassion and forgiveness to one another, to see our oneness, our connection.  It says with no judgment- "we meet here in love and sacred honesty."  It allows us to acknowledge that we all exist on some point of the continuum at any given moment.  Not a single one of us has lived a life absent of self doubt, fear, bad choices, beauty, love, and courage, and not a single one of us exists at any one point on that spectrum together, but we can certainly honor each other as we travel along that continuum, as equals.  We can learn and grow by sharing with each other.  We can offer humility, strength, and love to ourselves and others with no expectations, rather we can provide those things to each other in a sacred, warm, and welcoming space.  You never know what you might heal inside yourself or others by offering your most authentic reflection to the world.  Try it, it is pretty darn liberating! ;)

In love and support on the journey,
