Saturday, February 25, 2012

So the 'truth' as I understand it goes a little something like this...

Words are a wonderful and troubling thing all in the same breath.  'We are what we eat', right?  We constantly are receiving streams of information about 'who we are' from ourselves, friends, family, the outside world at large.  The ones we choose to reinforce are the ones that create our life.  We are the co-creators of our life, working in partnership with the divine, and while we all have probably heard that before, perhaps we have refused to listen to its wisdom.  WE are responsible for our experiences here, and we are this because we are the ones in the drivers seat when we react to one another, communicate with each other and ourselves; choose, often carelessly, the attitude with which we will perceive something, or the assumptions, biases, and judgements that we allow to flood into that process.  So, the truth as I understand it- is simple- (when you are ready to deconstruct enough of your world to experience this)- live with love in your heart, from your heart.  That roughly translates as I understand it in my own life to a couple of things:

1.)  Assume the best in others always- even at their lowest points, assume that is the absolute best they can offer you/the world in that moment.  If they could offer more, be better, they would.  Every moment in a persons' life leads up to who they are in each and every moment.  You have no idea what they are working with on their tool belt, where they came from, what emotional traumas they are working through, supports systems they have, etc.  You just don't know, so choose to assume the best in them- always.  Know that this is done with strength and compassion, and should not create vulnerability in your life if you maintain safe boundaries.  Offering love, does not mean inviting every person who is being a less than stellar human into your personal world.  It just means not taking anything negative from them, or assigning it to them either.  You keep a flow of positive energy moving through the space; and remarkably, in return you hold a positive space for that person to step into, should they be ready and able at any time.

2.)  Open your heart and allow yourself to see your reflection in others.  We all know we have had the potential to be a bright star in the dark night, or the darkness that surrounds that star.  We have the capacity for every emotion along the spectrum.  As we practice assuming the best in others, we too, will begin assuming the best in ourselves, and find more compassion for both our experiences and others.  We can successfully slow down, and someday eliminate all the negative thoughts and energy we bring into our world just by shifting this little thing.

3.)  Negative thoughts- Stop.  Delete.  Every time you catch yourself with them.  Stop.  Delete. There is already enough negative energy swirling around this place- don't be a contributor in your own life.  Create a magnificent, sacred space within yourself that has no room for the other garbage.  You can become a "compost bin", rather than a trash bin.  ;)  Turn your experiences into a new form of food for a different stage of the process.  Cheezy, I know, but you gather the idea I hope.

4.)  Be open.  Never stop asking questions, challenging yourself, and learning new this, though understanding that it is a fundamental mentality not necessarily a daily thing.  You will have periods of rest and reflection, where you feel you may not be functioning as your highest, most energetic self.  That is part of the growth, the process.  See the challenge in these moments as being: reflective and open, compassionate and patient.  Resist the urge to over-analyze, process, or feel negatively toward yourself or others when you are here.  It is a critical time of rest that will support you on your next leg of the journey.  We all need some down time every now and again.  It is here you should really focus on nurturing yourself, not getting frustrated or disappointed with any lack of creativity, action or movement.

5.)  When you arrive in this space of low energy, reflection and quiet, and you discover your mind is still, you will realize you have fully transitioned your life to operating from within your heart, not your head, your ego.  Once you arrive here, there is a rich possibility that your life will be filled only with gratitude, laughter, love, awareness, awakening, compassion, lightness, connection, authenticity, freedom, and bright, warm light.  In this space, all things become possible because you realize that you are already part of all things.  All barriers are self imposed, and you are free.  Manifest your destiny, no more negative messages about why you cannot do things, or reinforcing the negative- it is here you can really live- fearlessly- with deep respect, gratitude, humility and humbleness.  And, while on occasion you will still feel as if you are battling with yourself to work through some of these things, trust you are not in a battle- instead, realize it truly is a beautiful, complex dance, and you will patiently learn the steps as you are ready.  Here YOU ARE.

With Gratitude,
