Monday, April 30, 2012

EVERY one...

"When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self." - Confucius

If my work with people experiencing homelessness, suffering from addictions, and living in extreme poverty has taught me little else, it is that EVERY one of us is worthy of love, respect, compassion and kindness- no matter how little you seem to be able to understand about their experience/s. If you find yourself unable to understand this, as Confucius says, "then examine your inner self."

What frightens you most about offering your highest self to others, especially those you deem unworthy? What creates barriers in you that does not allow you to see their vulnerability and insecurity, their pain and suffering, their disconnection and discomfort? Is it perhaps that those exist at some level in you, unresolved? Does seeing others differently, as less worthy, allow you to protect those spaces within you by deflecting and projecting? Does it allow you to indulge your emotions in ways that do not serve you or others? Does it give you an excuse not to care?

Whenever you catch yourself in moments like these, whip those questions out and start breaking them down- challenge those places inside of you, and adjust them. We have major shifts to make in our world, starting within us, then spreading...shifts that will benefit 'all' of us.

In loving service,


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