Tuesday, May 8, 2012

OUR future, OUR responsibility...

I often just stare at my children as they play. Children understand this magical gift that is life. They don't take it for granted, and they certainly don't question its magnificence- they dance with it, roll in it, smile at it, cry in it, and revel in its wonder. It is an incredibly healing thing to observe.

Try to live through a child's eyes as often as possible, and if you are a parent, or have children in your life who look up to you, do this while honoring and guiding them through the details that try to interfere with 'our' ability to maintain this present and focused child-like wonder. Help assure for them they won't have to "remember" and re-learn how to be this connected to their lives down the road.

Offer yourself as a model by taking the responsibility to WAKE up yourself &/or STAY AWAKE, teach them in ways that will allow them to stay ENGAGED and PRESENT- living with an open heart, lovingly, curious, empowered, and kind...they are the true future of our world- help them BE so.



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