Sunday, May 20, 2012

we are powerful beyond words...

The reason it is so scary to own your own power is because once you do, you can no longer blame things outside of yourself for who you are and what you'll become. You realize you must take ownership for all things that happen to you and in your life.

We invite and attract the very things which provide the lessons we need in order to transcend our current hardships. The brilliance, and frustration, in this beautiful, divine plan is that the lessons get harder, louder and more painful the longer you wait to hear them. Listen to the whisper before it becomes the thunder.

All spiritual practices indicate to us in one form or another that life is constantly testing our allegiance and trust in heaven. The more the ground beneath us shakes, the greater our chances of looking up. Look up, EVERYDAY, in each moment. Know and trust you are part of the Divinity that wraps its self around us and feeds our life. The sunshine, the bees, the flowers and the trees. Be ONE with it, and you will be unshakable. You will know heaven...the rest will all, but fall away.

You have the power to shift things in your life, and peel away the chaos that envelopes you, by stepping into your power and releasing veils of the past so that you can SEE clearly YOUR vision of the future.

You are a DIVINE and SOULFUL being, and 'you' always have been. Now remember it, and honor it- treat yourself as such. Treat life as such, and you will know heaven as it exists in each moment you allow it to.




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