Saturday, June 23, 2012

REMEMBERING balance...

I have been less active than usual on here the past week or so in an effort to rest, reflect, unplug and attempt to re-balance myself. Having just returned from a short vacation last week, I had a lot of time to sit with myself, silently and reflectively. I was able to slow down enough to find space in my life, and pull myself out of the current I had allowed myself to get swept away by recently, and the current I choose to ride was a very chaotic, and exhausting one, with little balance.

In the beginning, I convinced myself that I was just working really hard, and it was a good thing- my business was growing efficiently, I was juggling all these balls at once, things were happening- sweet! But on the back side, I realized I was becoming swept away by my own need to create and stimulate myself, push my mission forward, but at an unnatural pace. I went from riding the flow, and answering my spirits call to action- to forcing it, instead of nurturing its growth. I fully realized that left no space in my life energetically for my work and business to manifest. For new things to come into my life.

I had also pushed everything, and everyone I was no longer feeding out of my life. Poof, the balance I've known so well for the past year or so because I have practiced gratitude daily, lived in love, with hope and optimism- nearly gone. The balance I created because I honored boundaries and practiced presence and engagement with an array of aspects in my life- not just one- hung by a fine thread.

I fully accept the ways in which I had allowed myself to get off course. Until today, it had been a few weeks since I was down on the ground playing with my little men. My insomnia ramped back up because I did not make it a point to unplug, my partner and I were spending little time hanging out because I was always "working", and I certainly was not taking care of myself- no hikes, no yoga, random meditations only, my healthy diet was growing less consistent because I was always on the go- in general, I had quit playing with this life.

So now, I have unplugged from that exhausting, unbalanced, robotic existence, and start to create boundaries again. I choose to focus on having clear and healthy boundaries within all aspects of my life. I will make more time to get down with my dudes. I will create time in my life to play. I will spend less time on the computer, and more time with myself- hiking, cooking, dancing, gardening, etc. It is now time for me to shift back.

And the clear lesson I was reminded of this past month, is that life can be so blissful and so beautiful, but you MUST PRACTICE DAILY- the things that make it so- you have to ENGAGE life in the ways you want to see it unfold. You are the CREATOR of your experience here, that is a truth best not denied.

Much love and peace my friends,


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