A thought: It is interesting how different forms of expression are successful for people. I stumble around daily in my speech, searching for the words to articulate the message in my mind; to assure I am understood and heard by another. While I struggle in this way, I find an incredible freedom when I sit down to write- that does not exist for me through verbal expression. Why is that? If the words are in me as I write, why cannot I not access them just the same when I speak? Perhaps, my verbal communication will improve the more I release my emotions through written word. Indeed, maybe writing will keep my mind free of tangles; the very tangles that envelop my tongue when I speak.
http://www.youtube.com/user/tedtalksdirector?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/10/86x-u-tz0MA - check out this very intriguing TED talk by author Elizabeth Gilbert.
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