Lately, Cooper and I have been communicating much more- verbally. He has expanded his vocabulary tremendously, as well as his understanding of when and how to use words. His expression about his experiences is something I can share not only through action and body language, but with the beautiful words that are newly available to us. This fresh verbal activity has created new connections in our relationship, ones that could not exist before, because for all intent and purpose, I was only able to guess what he was trying to explain about his experiences. Now, I often am able to hear it as he truly intends me to understand him, and it is so lovely.
Cooper adores his big brother...when he is not watching him from a distance, he is Brayden's shadow, offering the same noises, movements, and words that his brother does. Aaron and I regularly talk with each other about how amazing our boys are, and not just as their parents, but as people who appreciate "good people-good company". They both are that. They love to share, to be affectionate, they have great manners and are very kind. These little men even recognize and have an awareness of other peoples experiences, and understand when someone is sad or mad, very happy, or grateful about something. They are both very aware, and very present each and every day, and we try to foster this in them whenever we can. We hope to remind them as much as possible about the little things, and also remind them about how little we all are- that we should often look at the world around us to help guide us, rather than assume we know it all. We encourage them to respectfully ask questions when they are curious, or don't understand- and they love to! We celebrate sunsets and bees, flowers and trees, our family and friends, the roof over our head, and the food we thankfully place in our bellies most every time we experience any sense of hunger- and so we see them practice this on their own, too. I am so grateful!
I think all of these things that I am so grateful for are inherent in us as humans- plenty of other, less pleasant characteristics, too. But as little men, they naturally want to participate with nature and the world around them, and I just provide the settings for them to indulge in this instinct. They want to express their emotions, and are curious about mine and so we talk about them- as we are authentically experiencing them, not with any sort of concern about what we "should" be acting like, feeling. This almost always leads us to reduced problematic behaviors from all of us because we all know how to express what we feel, and then care for ourselves as we need to. They want to be kind to people, they want to explore. Unfortunately, I think sometimes, society teaches us to lose sight of those things- forget about all the magic right outside our front doors. And so while I am not into sheltering my kids, I will shelter from this for as long as I can.Last night after dinner Brayden was playing in our little haven of a backyard, and came running in and asked us all to come out and check out this "super cool" cloud. And, so, we did- and it was super cool, and I was so grateful my little guy saw it, and also wanted to share that. Goodness, being a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences ever.
Cooper- Never forget your zest, your spunk- it's your magic that draws us all to you, (and often makes us crazy, too). May you always play in the sunshine, dance in the rain, and roll around in the snow. I will forever cherish our bedtime routine where you ask us to snuggle for a "whittle bit". Yours arms awkwardly wrapped so loving around my head or neck, then rubbing my arm or back, as mom and dad did yours when you were a baby. You are love, kiddo. Don't ever let your charm and wit outweigh your love for life and others. You are my sunshine!
And Brayden- you are a soulful spirit who I believe has lived a great many lives. The natural world has already taught you so many things. Never stop listening to that wisdom inside you, and please never cease to share it with others. Your kindness and generosity are tremendous gifts to all who know you and I hope you will always bless others with this part of you. Never quit asking questions, always practice your best, work hard for the things you want, and remember why you are so grateful for this life. You are my little sage, my yoda- and I just can't quit you kiddo. May all your gifts only grow within you, and as you begin your 1st Grade year in two weeks, I hope you will discover more untapped potential and wonder inside of you.
"You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."
-Dr. Suess
This being a parent thing, it is all about learning and observing, along with trial and error. You both teach me where you want to go, and I try to help you get there by providing you with paths that foster your inner spirit. This illusion that we have much control over you is something we grow more respectful of daily, and so we hope to keep our hand on on the wheel next to yours for as long as you will let us, and when the day comes for us to let go- we hope we will know. But for now- Dad and I want nothing more for you guys than to feel always loved, supported, full of courage, and compassion for yourselves and others. We mess up sometimes, and we know you both will, too. No matter what, though, never forget we always love you, and will always have your back- even when you can't understand how or believe it! You make our worlds go 'round, and our hearts open wide. Thank you for all the lessons and love you bring into our lives!
All the love and light in this world,
1 comment:
This was a really really really really really sweet post. Luvs it.
Did you know I started this one: ??
I took my inspiration from you, some inspiration from earlier boredom, and from my overall sense of love of life that I've recently re-acquainted myself, with; and I compiled it all together. :-)
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