Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who've you designated as your COMMANDER?

Model: Amanda Hastings Photographer: Dawni Burton Christensen

 Our subconscious and conscious mind alike, desire and actively seek a leader. When you don't acknowledge and empower yourself to fill this role in your own life, your mind softens and looks elsewhere.

For too long, many people have been
led astray by the belief that our leader is something or someone outside of ourselves, and so we have allowed ideas that don't originate within us to guide our choices, identities, and actions.

YOU must make the conscious choice to step up as your own leader, and create and navigate your life as the Commander-in-Chief. Your power belongs to you, be careful not to give it away to others without intention and care.

Show up for yourself, and things will rapidly shift. Simply bringing awareness to the ways you have given away your power to others, and acknowledging the origin and guiding force of thoughts and feelings is an empowering and freeing act. Embrace your OWNERSHIP and commanding power over your life. You are strength and love manifest- now use it!

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