Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who've you designated as your COMMANDER?

Model: Amanda Hastings Photographer: Dawni Burton Christensen

 Our subconscious and conscious mind alike, desire and actively seek a leader. When you don't acknowledge and empower yourself to fill this role in your own life, your mind softens and looks elsewhere.

For too long, many people have been
led astray by the belief that our leader is something or someone outside of ourselves, and so we have allowed ideas that don't originate within us to guide our choices, identities, and actions.

YOU must make the conscious choice to step up as your own leader, and create and navigate your life as the Commander-in-Chief. Your power belongs to you, be careful not to give it away to others without intention and care.

Show up for yourself, and things will rapidly shift. Simply bringing awareness to the ways you have given away your power to others, and acknowledging the origin and guiding force of thoughts and feelings is an empowering and freeing act. Embrace your OWNERSHIP and commanding power over your life. You are strength and love manifest- now use it!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

the phoenix

And then you have those perfect nights, and all the dust that has settled in your life is blown away, and you realize nothing was ever that far from your heart. All is peaceful, beautiful, and poetic- even the challenges, confusion and's all part of the great mystery that keeps our hearts full and present. You need the juxtaposition to stay humbled and grounded. Remember it is all perfect, even the heartache, YES, even the heartache. And the phoenix is born...again, and life is whole.

Namaste friends,


where did it all come from- examining your roots?

The expectations you set, and the stories you believe about yourself that often guide you daily- who created them? YOU? External forces? Parents, friends, siblings, partners, your children, society- all of the above?

I encourage you to pause and think about the origin of those guiding forces. If YOU did not create them, or you created them from a place of self-hatred, insecurity, anger, etc.- they don't belong to you, and have NO business guiding you.

Check in with your heart and ask it what is REALLY yours. Discover what was born in love for self and your best interests. Then, THANK and FORGIVE all the other voices who have echoed in your head for a lifetime, including yours, and release them to the wind.

You are already FREE- now let yourself be so.

Examining yourself through the lens of the root chakra...

In exploring the Root Chakra, let's be clear about a few things. When exploring our energy system, it is very important that you understand that physical manifestations and illness, "dis-eases" in our body are OFTEN a result of an emotional wound or pattern of thought, or repression that was not addressed. This information may be met with skepticism by some of you, but it is the absolute scientific truth. "Darn!"- now you have to take full responsibility for your health.  This is actually a very thrilling and empowering recognition as this means you can heal a lot of what you are going through, by integrating your mind, body and spirit through heartfelt, soulful work.  Then, after you do that bring doctors in to support your journey back to health if you cannot remedy the situation on your own.

So while we are speaking about physical manifestations, we are also speaking about symbolic awareness of what is occurring in your system. Symbolic sight is the greatest preventative medicine out there. This offers you the ability to nurture, heal, and feed yourself in the appropriate, desired, and often needed ways. Please keep this in mind as we explore this section, because we are largely going to talk about the symbolic nature of the system. Just because you cannot see it, and you are not yet suffering from some form of illness does not mean the problem is not there. Any of you feel fatigue, low energy, moody, or wrestle with insomnia despite your active lifestyle, and healthy diet? That is what I am talking about, too. It is my strong opinion that healing and integrating your soul is the most practical, successful, and lasting form of medicine you will ever find.

The energy of the first chakra is related almost entirely to our "tribal power" as Caroline Myss calls it. When we are born, by nature we depend entirely on others for survival- it's unavoidable. As we learn and grow in our families, tribes, or villages, we are too being filled by the patterns of thought, the behaviors, moral codes, unspoken and spoken expectations of the tribe, and so forth. These early tribal years are some of the most important in our our lives because they literally shape the neural pathways in our brains, and create our responses, thought patterns, behaviors, perspectives, and ideas about how we relate to life, and who we THINK we are SUPPOSED to be. It creates our identity and our governing culture.

In other words, the Root Chakra is the FOUNDATION of your emotional and mental health.  If your foundation is not healed, whole and strong, you better believe that other patterns, health problems, chronic pain, and other challenging situations will continue rearing their heads in your life.

The tribal energy is a very important one- at its best, it teaches us love, loyalty, safety, team work, bonding, and roots us in the truth- WE ARE ALL ONE. However, the energy that manifests when we are operating in a space of fear is that of abandonment, loss of physical life, and order. The underbelly of this tribal energy is that group identity can take away feelings of power of the individuals in the tribe if they disagree. It can hold people hostage, or create a sense of guilt and loss if the individual chooses to feel differently from the group. As well, it makes it easy for the individual to become apathetic, hopeless, and not take responsibility for their individual actions because "everybody else is doing it", or feel "what's the point, I have no power in this dynamic?", so it is important that YOU become conscious of this and how it plays a role in your life.

Tonight, for those of you following the conversation, I really encourage you to reflect on your tribal culture (and many of us have multiple tribes- family, friends, workplace, political, spiritual/religious, etc.). Think about all the dynamics in these various cultures that bring you discomfort, or perhaps cause fear, doubt, shame, or anger to creep into your experience, and write them down. Focus on all the messages and stories of those tribes that no longer resonate with your being, the belief systems, or thought patterns that you inherited. What fits well, and what doesn't? Is there any unfinished business that needs to be resolved with someone?

Then think about all the things that empower you in your tribes? What sits close to your heart that you want to continue feeding? What qualities do you want to pass on and share with others? What blessings came from your family?

If you are feeling courageous enough, please feel free to share on here what you come up with. My hope is that we can all start discussing these things openly- authentically. I want each of you to embrace who you are, where you came from, and what it is now time to let go of so you can move forward to the next leg of the journey. In the next few days we will be wrapping up the Root Chakra discussion, and moving on to the Sacral Chakra. Don't hesitate to throw your questions out- I promise to do my very best to offer insight and information that will support you.

Love and Light,
