Every day I learn with more clarity, the art of partnership.
Some lessons learned about PARTNERSHIP:
1.) Be love first always, and when you cannot offer that, step away and be with yourself because there is something within you not being honored that is taking the ability away from you to offer LOVE to your partner. Find your discomfort, identify it, and work to resolve it.
2.) Even when you are hurt, do not offer and return that to the other. Be bigger, bolder, stronger, and bow out. Hold space for them to return to heart-center with you.
3.) Always forgive, unless it is time to forget. Then release them, and move on if you truly deserve better. If you have shifted, honored, and owned, and your partner still holds you hostage, then they are not your partner. Release yourself, be free from that, and move on...then always come back to a space of forgiveness, and once again, release yourself from all pain and disconnection- forgiveness offered to them is really peace offered to yourself. It is noble; and beautifully self-serving in the most nurturing way, too. Fabulous- sign me up! :)
4.) Understand that no matter how humble, engaged, forgiving, generous and loving you are- sometimes you will travel different paths, and respond to beats of a different drum. This truth need not cause turmoil, rather communicate to you that all things are healthy- and remind you that you honor each others private journeys, and must depend FIRST, and foremost, on your connection to self. Keep it strong.
5.) Talk often and always about who you are, what you want, how you feel, what you need, what you dream of- never hesitate to speak your truth, but remember to always come from a heart-centered place. If you truly cannot come from a heart-centered place, ask yourself why, and pause. Pause and acknowledge (aloud if possible) that you have let some part of your foundation become unstable. Step away. Resolve it, then ask again what your heart requires and needs from your partner moving forward...THEN speak. If you lose it before you are able to step away, and have to throw something at them make sure it is not breakable or would hurt them- I prefer a tissue, or piece of junk mail. :) Then apologize, and review the above items again.
6.) If you find yourself alone, and without your partner- enjoy it! Take the time to re-connect with yourself, your independent dreams and goals- cherish your disconnection because it reminds you that on the other side of this incredible partnership, is only you. YOU will never leave, YOU will always be required to rely on, and trust, yourself to lead you in your life. Stay acquainted with YOU. A theme is building here... :)
7.) Fill your partnership with gratitude and awareness, and release expectations of one another to be something different. Embrace all that you are, and can be, but don't draw lines in the sand for each other. Hold space. I can't say that enough- HOLD SPACE. Leave things lovingly at each others "door steps", but don't change the lock secretly and expect that they hold your new key.
8.) Until you learn all of this, and more, of course- know and always remember, you will have hard times, but that does not mean your soulful union is not real. You absolutely know if it is, and if you doubt or question that it ever was, it probably never was. Soulful union is so deep, pure and true that once you have it, life is lighter, you fully embrace yourself- scars and all, and well, you FART in front of each other sometimes, and it's all GOOD. :) And, if you don't pass the occasional gas- either you have a flawless diet, or you are holding something very natural and relieving in, be free together- bust a move! ;)
9.) Laugh as often as you can, and especially at yourself when you become off-balance, disconnected, rude, or otherwise a pain in the ass. Soulful partnership requires an incredible amount of patience, self-responsiblity, vulnerability, humility, and LOVE. Be love.
Soulful partnership is BEAUTIFUL!
Soulful partnership asks, requires actually, the grace and understanding of a free and heart-centered person. It says with the most sincerity and absence of judgment that can be said, "I love and honor you, but sometimes disagree or cannot relate to you". To offer someone, and honor someone, in this kind of spiritual union, means you release yourself from the responsibility that I have come to realize, is only required of the ego. The ego demands resolution, relief from discomfort or responsibility, and it looks to outside forces for those things, or to blame. When you can move into a heart space, you understand the beauty and gravity of discomfort when it arises. You trust your ability to grow and learn from your mistakes. You live in a space virtually free of self doubt, but rather courage and commitment to pursue your best. Seldom do you need to apologize or fumble here, which is brilliant~ the more aligned- the more peaceful and steady, and on target, you behave. What a beautiful thing!
In love, Be love, I am love,
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