Wednesday, May 30, 2012

bless the darkness...

I think sometimes we create this idea that there is one way to live, a moral code that makes us & others wrong or right, & when times in our lives ask or require, or even demand through ugly circumstance that we deviate from that, we judge...OURSELVES, & often through others.

It is during these times of low energy, darkness, & shifting within our own experiences that the worst in others emerges, but if we can remember that there is no RIGHT way to have a human experience- there is no requirement that must be met to graduate to the next level, we would be so much better off.

An authentic experience is full of highs and lows, it does not hide from the shadow or the light, rather embraces them both, & accepts the lessons each have to offer- the messages.

Blissful, soulful living does not require you to deny your struggles, or believe & focus on ONLY your positive moments in this life- IT asks you to be REAL, & heartfelt, & honor all that you are...the LIGHT inside, along with the DARKNESS. 

There is no shame in hosting your shadow for some time. In fact, there is freedom & love in it because it holds the key to our truth; our conversations, struggles, recognitions not yet fully actualized. Bring them to the light & all will be well- your darkness is your gas light, reminding you when you are low and needing to be fed, fueled, or given a break. It says that some form of attention is needed internally.

From all the words, thoughts, actions, instructions floating around this world- please take only two things:

ONE- the things that RESONATE with YOU & FEEL right or so wrong you cannot deny its truth ;)
TWO- that YOU ARE POWERFUL beyond your greatest understanding. You do & will continue to create your life, & do the work required for your growth when you are ready- OR you won't & you will stay stuck, stagnant, frustrated & angry. YOU can & will shift your perception, words, actions in time as you are ready, & because our world needs it. No pressure, but certainly when the time is right I hope, as many do, you will choose a blissful, soulful engaged life... ;)

Please don't ever fear anything in yourself, even in that moment of fear (LOVE it & welcome your feelings, but remind yourself you are okay)- it can all change & you can be whole & integrated- fearless. Fearless does not mean never having fear creep into your life, it means you say hello to it as it arrives & then step THROUGH it into your next space along the journey.

You are all you need & have in this life, don't let this being 'human' thing convince you more is needed. When you move back into your heart space, & live openly with LOVE, compassion and authentic awareness- you have arrived & WE are ONE. :)

All my love to each of you, and MYSELF, as we wade through our sludge &/or sunshine & every potential stop in between...

Yours in sacred, loving service,


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