Monday, January 17, 2011

A shift in perspective...a call to action


What an inspiring man wrought with imperfections, yet so full of heart; he was so profoundly human.  Anytime I think of MLK Jr. I find myself feeling inspired by his power and fearlessness.  He had a dream, that evolved into a vision because of the action he took to transform a dream into his future, our people's future.  By opening himself to the world, the world opened as well.  More light was introduced because he shared his.

So I sit with him in mind today and feel myself drawn toward action.  I feel ready to move in the direction I trust I will soon understand, but now I must be still and open to recognizing my vision of the future and all it holds- then I can understand what action to take.  I must acknowledge my fear that sits quietly entangled in my heart, spend some time with it, perhaps play with it a bit, and then let it go on its way.   This is my life after all, not my fear's.  I will not be held back, I will move forward despite my fear's desire to keep me comfortable and incapable of change. As my dear friend, Jill Leo says, "All limits are self imposed..."  I do so love her.

I make a conscious choice today to be in control of my actions as I dance with life and its steady stream of energy pulling me this way and that, and spinning me back around again, then holding me close for a moment before letting me go, spiraling dizzily through a new current.  This dance cannot be choreographed the way others can (I must surrender the illusion it can be), I must be free flowing and flexible- at moments ready to lead, and others be led.

Be still, be open...
  feel this shift in perspective...


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