Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Power of Identification

We all identify as something: a friend, a mother, a partner, a social worker, a political party member, scared, angry, fearful, weak, beautiful, strong, creative, and so forth.  Words are very powerful things, and our thoughts and feelings are the creative action that then create our reality using these very words.  So just who have you 'identified' yourself to be?  Who have you created, and allowed to express itself?

For whatever reason, this realization and conversation seems somewhat new to a lot of folks.  But this wisdom is ancient, and knows its place.  It has been speaking through us, and to us for many years, yet a lot of us have denied its truth in pursuit of world full of perceptions not always based in reality, or our best interest- as individuals and the collective.  It is a world that we have created to protect ourselves by ignoring (in a lot of ways) our deepest need and desire to understand, know, and be one with our soul.

Ironically, many of us have chosen not to deal with our shadow side head on, instead we have let our false perceptions of the shadow enslave us unknowingly by the simple act of neglect.  We have learned to neglect feelings and experiences that hurt us, or challenge us, or expose our insecurities.  For too long we have reached for masks instead of mirrors, and become so unfamiliar with our own reflections that it frightens us to look because it feels sometimes as if a stranger peers back at us.

That repression and denial has not saved us from hardship- it has reinforced it.  It has splintered us and hardened us.  This continued act depletes us more with every moment.  And as we are depleted, we are further disconnected- from ourselves, and the world around us.  When we are not living with harmony in ourselves, we cannot expect to find that in the world around us because we only tend to understand the world from our lens of our perception and reality.

We are at a critical point in our world, where the time has come for people to shift back to our natural, harmonious state.  Our disconnection is breaking things down at a rapid pace, and on a large scale.  This is not who we are meant to be, nor should be.  The chaotic, detached, protective, jealous, angry, sad, and scared feelings to which some of us have become so familiar with, and in many cases identified with, have got to go.  Scram, get them out of here.  They don't serve me through you, and I certainly know they don't serve you either.  They keep you low.  And your energy and vibration affect this world- sorry- they do.  But that is not who we are, and how we are meant to function.

We are meant to be free, full of joy and love.  These things are not special and unique only to a few, they are OURS.  They exist right there within us, just beyond our current beliefs that would tell us otherwise.  The time has come to embrace yourself- all of it, and move forward with all those pieces as one.

Use the divine system that we were gifted; quit trying so hard to deny yourself all the beauty and wonder this life has to offer.  The tree of life is pregnant with abundance, peace, connection, and love.  Now pick it- it is yours to take.

Yours in sacred, loving service,


Monday, August 13, 2012

Learning to ROCK it...

Learning to rock "it" is quite the fun challenge some days.  It comes with its lessons and aha's, but it is always revealing about where you ARE in that moment.  Learning to rock it is all about grace and vulnerability, with a good bit of compassion--for self.  There need be little else in the equation.

Grace comes when you embrace every bit of who you are: what you are thinking, what begs for your attention, what is natural, and what feels like it needs a silly comment to shake off because your ego really reared its head in you in a bold way.

It is not about the narrow path you tip-toe across so as not to lose your balance and fall in the bush.   It means falling in the bush, and laughing your ass off at your self, because well- it was funny, and you are learning- ALWAYS.

Grace means letting whatever step you take in each moment be an indicator of the proceeding action.  It is living as the creator, and continuously sculpting the divine art that you are, and always becoming.

Vulnerability is roughly the same thing as grace, only it sounds 'scarier' to a lot of us because we have been programmed by life and circumstance to think that vulnerability somehow relates to weakness.  Though in truth, the spiritual version of vulnerability is something far more beautiful than one could ever have imagined.

Vulnerability is a soft, open heart- that owns, with confidence, every step we discussed above, and also expresses aloud to those in one's world -who need to hear it- exactly what it is that is being experienced.  It embraces one where they are strong- where they need support...where they are with things in each and every moment.  It is such a gift of humility and love.

Compassion simply means non-judgment.  It sees the light in you, AND- the darkness, too. Compassion sees these and acknowledges the perfection and wisdom in them both- gratefully, and willingly.

Learning to rock it is a beautiful, beautiful thing, and can come with such ease once you allow yourself to experience ROCKING IT in all its divine glory.

Don't be afraid to work it, every day- in every authentic way you can muster the love and courage to. Trust me, it feels so GOOD, even when it hurts.


Much joy to you along the ride, fine folks!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What Commands Your Attention?

Some days it becomes crystal clear to me that I need some space free of interactions with others.  Instead of ignoring this, and willfully, and often selfishly engaging others when I have nothing loving and positive to offer- I now make it a point to step away, and be with myself.

In the silence, and company of myself it is then I become aware of what needs attention in me.  Sometimes I notice my energy was just matching another person's, and it was simply a matter of removing myself from that vibration, and other times it is clearly my imbalance that was charging the room.  Either way, I become clear about ME- the only thing in the world I can change, when and how, I want to.  The only person in the world for whom I am entirely responsible.  The only person in the world to which I have full and complete access.

It is important we learn to honor this call to walk away, or stay and endure, or better yet- deeply enjoy the experience.  These moments teach us to be fully present with ourselves, and to nurture our every need- keeping us clear and light for all that may come next.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you can no longer interact with someone with an open-heart, you must learn to walk away and sit with yourself.  THEY did not shut your heart down, something WITHIN YOU being triggered did.  Ask it for its wisdom.  There is no sense in spending time focused on anything outside of that- your harmonious, resting state cannot be challenged by the words, actions, or energy of others unless you are not living with yourself harmoniously.  If this is the case, reflect on your actions and thoughts and see what you can learn about ways you may be out of balance.

It's all a learning curve, and you get better all the time at tiptoeing gracefully across the center of your teeter-totter, soon it will be only seldom that you find yourself on either end of that ride.  The more keen your connection to self, and integrated your life is, the more quickly you are able to shift the energy and actions of your life, and remarkably- the less you have to be concerned with doing it because you will discover soon your awareness is available to you always, and it's the primary thing you need in these moments.  You will know where to go next from there.

Become your own lighthouse...

In love. Be love. I am love.